
original used sany sy60 excavator for construction on sale

Preço FOB: $6.000/ Unidade

Min. Pedido: 1 Unidade

Horário de trabalho: ≥2.000 horas

Quantidade à vista: 2 unidades

Envio: Suporte para frete marítimo/frete terrestre

Sem diferença de preço

Nenhum acidente

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The SANY SY60C excavator is a remarkable piece of construction machinery. It is designed with compact dimensions, making it highly maneuverable in various working environments, whether it's a narrow construction site or a confined urban area.

Powered by a reliable engine, it delivers sufficient power to handle a wide range of tasks. The advanced hydraulic system ensures smooth and precise operation of the bucket, arm, and boom, enabling efficient digging, loading, and unloading.

In terms of operator comfort, the cab is ergonomically designed. It features adjustable seats and well-positioned controls, reducing operator fatigue during long working hours. The excellent visibility from the cab allows the operator to have a clear view of the working area, enhancing safety and work efficiency.

The durability of the SANY 60 excavator is also outstanding. Its robust structure and high-quality components can withstand heavy workloads and harsh operating conditions, minimizing maintenance requirements and downtime. Overall, it is a popular choice among contractors and construction teams for its versatility, performance, and reliability.

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